About Linda

Linda is a Canadian artist and author of two best-selling instructional art books. Her internationally recognized artwork includes unique contemporary watercolours and acrylic paintings. Most recently, she delights in creating whimsical birds, mischievous animals and dragons, along with short stories to accompany her quirky characters.
Scroll down to find her books, videos and reviews.
Artist’s Statement

There is nothing like an intriguing puzzle to get the brain working and few things more satisfying than finding a solution to a perplexing problem. So while some people take pleasure in working on the newspaper's daily crossword puzzle I can't resist sorting through and arranging shapes and colours. In particular, the interwoven forms and layers of patterns I find while investigating tangled woodlands, meandering streams, open fields, roadside ditches and the countryside landscape. Appreciating my discoveries is easy; figuring out how to interpret my finds and then portray that essence two dimensionally with paint on paper is the real challenge! It is this desire to decipher, understand and organize what I see that motivates me to paint.

In my attempt to interpret nature’s patterns and understand how the pieces fit together my strategy relies on simplifying the complicated and building in layers using negative shapes.


Books and Videos 








Links to Linda's Video Downloads

Previews below!










As Recommended by artist, instructor Robert Burridge

“In my workshop classes when I talk about negative painting, I often get blank stares. (What is he talking about?) Even when I demo negative shape painting many students still don’t see it at first. The beautiful book, “Watercolor Painting Outside the Lines” by Linda Kemp will change your struggling time in the studio to an exhilarating, successful approach to your next masterpiece. This how-to book is a major, award-winning, internationally best seller that should be in every painter’s library. The principles clearly demonstrated throughout the book are true not only for watercolor painting - I use them for my acrylics and oils as well. Many of my students have attended Linda’s workshops and her classes at art expos and have raved about the beauty and originality of her paintings. No other instructor teaches her method of the power of negative space painting.”

“Watercolor Painting Outside the Lines is fully packed with step-by-step techniques, an abundance of clear diagrams for color and design and Linda’s secrets for finding the negative space. I believe you will consider this book to be an eye and mind opening way to see as a true artist really sees and paints.  Get this book if you want to know more about dynamic originality and creativity.”



You can visit Linda's personal website to find extra workshop information, past blog posts and lots of artsy information. Visit: Linda's personal website


Professional Career

For a complete CV email studio@lindakemp.com

Linda Kemp’s home and studio backs onto a wooded conservation area in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada.

She is internationally recognized for her unique contemporary watercolors and acrylics and innovative use of negative painting.

Best Selling Books:

  • Watercolor Painting Outside the Lines- A Positive Approach to Negative Painting (North Light Publications)
  • Simplifying Design and Color For Artists - Positive Results Using Negative Painting Techniques (North Light Publications)


  • Painting Outside the Lines
  • Negative Painting Techniques (Series of 6)

Featured Artwork and Articles in:

  • American Artist
  • Watercolor Magic
  • International Artist
  • Watercolor Artist
  • Watermedia Focus
  • Palette Magazine
  • Acrylic Artist 
  • Practique des Arts
  • Acrylicworks 4

Contributing writer/demonstrator in the following books:

  • Watercolor For the Fun of It - Easy Landscapes - Jack Reid
  • Paint - Illustrated Techniques for Every Medium
  • Painter’s Quick Reference: Flowers
  • Painter’s Quick Reference: Landscapes
  • Color and Light for Watercolor Painters - C. Schink
  • Discover Your Visual Voice - Dakota Mitchell


  • Elected member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour (awarded Life Membership 2013)
  • Ontario Society of Artists
  • The Society of Canadian Artists (Life Membership 2020)
  • Woman of Distinction Award for Arts and Culture in Niagara in 2005
  • A.J. Casson Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Water Colour, the top award for The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour National Juried Exhibition in 2008

Profiled in Canadian Whoʼs Who and Whoʼs Who Canadian Women, The Dictionary of International Biography and the 20th Anniversary Edition of Trivial Pursuit.

Her award winning paintings are in private, government and corporate collections around the world, including The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, U.K. and the private collection of HRH the Prince of Wales.


Linda instructs and lectures at national symposiums and workshops throughout Canada, United States, United Kingdom and France.

Linda is an enthusiastic teacher who truly cares about the sharing of knowledge with her students. Linda’s lifelong devotion to sharing and teaching the joy of painting began in the early 1970’s when her sister and she received a government grant for youths to offer art and drama programs within the community.



"The painting has arrived and it looks even more beautiful in real life!"
Julia  M, ON
"Thank you wholeheartedly for your advice and beautiful emotions that make me feel through your pictures."
Valentina SM, Italy
"Linda I just wanted you to know that I received your painting today, and it exceeds expectations! The detail is incredible. This petite paintings pack a real punch!"
Pamela T, ON
"Your work is wonderful! It has a quiet strength that is captivating."
Connie C


"I just want you to know how much I enjoyed your workshop. Since I had never used acrylics before, I was hesitant to take your class..but you made everything so clear and so non threatening-- it was just wonderful. Thank you for that. I  appreciated all your hand outs and your sharing of so much information. ..The workshop could not have been more informative or better run. Every demonstration was relevant to the topic you were teaching and all the exercises you had us complete were so enlightening. Thank you for all your help and your amazing knowledge and the joy you took in sharing it with us."

Patti GA, USA

"Just wanted to say thank you so very much for an amazing experience this last weekend.  I truly enjoyed your workshop and besides all the information shared; I was so impressed by the way you shared, by your kindness and your patience." 

Bess C, ON

"The workshop could not have been more informative or better run. Every demonstration was relevant to the topic you were teaching and all the exercises you had us complete were so enlightening. Thank you for all your help and your amazing knowledge and the joy you took in sharing it with us." 
Patti ME, USA
