M.C. Escher Tribute
Escaping Escher - 11 x 14” acrylic on claybord
I’ve been working on a few new (to me) ideas that explore optical puzzles and how shapes fit together. I love M.C. Escher’s mazes and play of negative and positive space. His woodcut Day & Night inspired me to create this tribute painting. I learned a lot trying to figure out how to lock the shapes into each other. It was really interesting to see how the shapes mesh but the linking birds move upward and not in straight lines. Clearly the pattern doesn't line up with the edges of the board, but it's not so obvious in the Escher woodcut.
Along with my painting, I’m including a pix of Escher’s piece so you can see how brilliant he was.
In Escher's maze of birds entwined,
One dreamed of freedom she could find.
With wings outstretched, she soared away,
To skies where endless wonders lay.
Escaping Escher

Linking positive and negative shapes!

Day & Night Woodcut M.C. Escher